Sunday, July 22, 2012

Keenan James

Our big guy!!!  I cant believe that he is going to be 5 in just a couple of months.  Where in the world have all the days gone and why did they fly by so quickly?!  Keenan boy is thoughtful, tender hearted, laid back, loving, and incredibly smart.  He knows no stranger especially when it comes to kids and anyone in our house feels welcome because he goes and greets them with a flashing smile and handshake.  He has been an extreme blessing to us from day one with his go with the flow attitude and the way he can bring joy to every situation.  He has a million questions of why things work the way that they do and has an iron clad memory of events.  There are many times when he reminds me of something that I have to think really hard back to to remember the details that he is talking about.  He still hugs and snuggles his mama.  He remembers when people have been sick and asks if they are feeling better.  He always asks for a hug after being disciplined.  He is quick to say he’s sorry and ask for forgiveness.  His giggle is the best in the world and contagious.  He protects his little sister and talks to her in a ridiculous high-pitched voice all the time.  His heart for the Lord is developing and he is starting to understand that He is real and his prayers are getting more and more sweet as this realization deepens.  He LOVES super heroes and it makes his entire week just to have his mom or dad put on the masks with him, grab the weapons and fight the bad guys in the back yard. He loves sports and can throw a perfect spiral.  He can tie his own shoes.  He is starting to reason with me for why I should let him watch shows or do the things he wants and his reasons are pretty entertaining.  His entire face lights up when he figures something out.  He is growing up too fast and where my little baby was just a little while ago is a young boy with ideas, love, understanding, curiosity, and compassion.  Words could never even come close to touching the depths of awe and love I have for my Keenan James.  I am praying that his tender heart would never harden by sin’s deceitfulness.  That he would always seek truth and find the Lord in every situation and question.  I love you, big guy!!!!!

Favorite Keenan quotes:
  “I just bonked my head so hard, but I think a kiss will work.”
“If I’m wearing a nice button shirt today, Im going to need my spidey sense” (his cologne)
Mom, we need to chop down the coconut tree!”  “Why?” “Because a ball got stuck up in it!”
After kneeing Elliot on accident, “My knee was being selfish and thinking only of hisself.  He wasn’t being a blessing to Elliot.”
After school one day I asked him if he had rested during rest time or played and got into trouble and he told me “I got into a little trouble but I told myself to remember to do better tomorrow, so don’t worry.”
“Mom, Elliot just said punch you in the face!” “Im sorry Keenan, I cont do anything about it at this second, Im fixing dinner.”  “Well, I just wanted you to know.” I think you just wanted him to look bad.”  “No, I just wanted him to get into trouble.”
During the game of LIFE “Hey Keenan, you got married!”  He gives me a high five “Yea, I got a BEBE!!”
“God, I think it’s so cool how you can just say something and it’s there.  I think it’s so cool how you can just walk through walls and come in here.  You are everywhere!  You are so powerful.  You are so strong.  You are so fast.  I just praise you for that!”

 Throwing out back
 Brother time!!

 Goof ball

Working on his numbers and math
 Wish you could have audio to hear this guy's incredible laugh
 Loving on Lucy

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