Sunday, July 22, 2012

Elliot Michael

Our spunky, clumsy, rough and tumble, ornery, charming little boy!  He makes me laugh until Im about to pee in my pants one minute, then makes me so frustrated I want to quit the next, followed by worry and anguish because he has fallen yet again and hurt himself, and then Im immobilized by the insane amounts of love I literally feel washing over me as I look into those sweet brown eyes.  He is maddening and life giving all at the same time and he reminds me of me and that’s what drives me crazy.  If he does not want to walk and I don’t want to carry him, he sits down.  In the middle of our road.  Because he knows the love of his mother would never let him stay there and eventually I will break.  He pushes his bottom lip out as far as possible when he is upset and literally tells you that he is going to pout.  He wakes up every morning ridiculously early and stands right in front of me, level with my face, and asks if he can “nuggle” me.  And I cherish each moment as I lift the sheet and he lets out a little giggle and curls up with his head on my arm and dozes once again. He gives his little sister endless kisses and asks if he can hold her anytime he is sitting still.  He never wants to be left out of ANYTHING and will wail if someone leaves without him.  Out of this fear of being left out he feels the need to tell everyone that he will be right back when leaving the room.  Especially Lucy.  Every time.  He adores his dad.  He tells me “I miss Daddy!” in an extremely sad voice as soon as we close the gate after letting Craig out and will scream at the top of his lungs in joy yelling “DADDY HOME!!!!!” when he hears the car horn for us to let him in.  He has in irrational fear of getting soap in his eyes and yells, “NOT MY EYES, NOT MY EYEBALLS!!!!” every single time he showers.  He asks for chocka milk 20 times each day.  He falls down about the same amount.  He hates having his hands dirty while he is eating and asks if he can go wash his hands between bites.  He keeps me on my toes for sure and I am overwhelmed at the love I have for this little one full of life.  Im praying that his life would be one poured out for the Lord, that his passion would be fixated on the One who designed and created him and that his giftings would be used to bring others into the divine love of our amazing Savior.  I love you more than you will ever know, little monkey!!

Favorite Elliot quotes:
“Elliot, where are you shoes?”  “Uuuhhh, (looking around frantically) not on my feet!”
He walked into the living room with a spoon and announces, “I got a spoon!”  “Why did you get a spoon?”  “I need ice cream!”
“OK, Elliot, bring your shoes and Ill take the dirty clothes, we’ll go to the same spot and be buddies.”  “No, you be Mama, I’ll be buddy!”
“I’m a naked boy!!!!”
We are working on apologizing better and this was a conversation one day: “Elliot, say Im sorry for hitting you with my hat, Keenan.” “I’m sorry for hitting you with my hat, Keenan.”  “I didn’t treat you with respect.” “I didn’t treat you with respect.”  “Will you please forgive me?” “OK, yes, ma’am, I forgive you, Mama.” “No, ask Keenan.” “I forgive you, Keenan!”
 He loves snuggling for his nap and one day asked to snuggle Lucy.  Even though she was moving around and talking, he went right to sleep with her in his arms.
 If you ask him, "How cute are you?"  This is what he does
 Fixing things around the house

 Reading "The monster at the end of this book" here he's saying, "Shhhhhhh, I have an idea, dont turn pages!"

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