Saturday, October 23, 2010

Out Of Batteries

I have debated on putting this story out on the world wide web knowing that as I did I would become one of those moms who share those embarrassing stories that haunt their kids for years, but I still laugh to myself every time I think of it. Keenan just keeps getting funnier! The other night Keenan was having a hard time falling asleep so he kept getting out of bed which he knows that he should not do. After the second time I took him back and gave him a talking to letting him know that if he did it again there would be more serious consequences and he needed to listen and obey. Being a clever little guy, he knows how to extend things and what things are OK for getting out of bed so a little while later he was up again saying, "My tummy hurts, I think I have to go poopy." So I told him there had better be a lot of poopy coming for him to get out of bed again otherwise he would be falling into the disobedient category. So, he went to the bathroom and I sat across from him on the tub waiting. He started peeing and told me, "Just wait for it, Mom, I will go after I pee." "OK, Im waiting." Then after a bit he half pushed one time and then looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think it's out of batteries." "Huh?" "I think its out of batteries.... (eyes shifting down) so000, I cant go. (little shrug of the shoulders and voice trailing off) I guess Im done." It was all I could do not to laugh hysterically before tucking him back in bed and sternly telling him not to get out again.

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