Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Halloweeeeen!!!

So many things happened at the end of October that Ill just keep on putting pictures on here!  Here's us celebrating Halloween African style.  They dont celebrate Halloween here so we just make up our own things and improvise where we are lacking.  Like pumpkins.  We use zucchini.  Still a squash, so still qualifies, right?!  And we dont have elaborate costumes, so we just dress the boys up in all black, give them some sunglasses and call them Men in Black.  And they cant go door to door trick-or-treating so we just load them up on carmel apples and cookies just so they dont feel left out in the sugar rush.  :)  So, here we are!  Happy Halloween!!!

Craig starting the digging

He found a jackpot of worms inside his!  Lucky guy... sick.

Looking deep down to make sure he's doing a good job


You have to mash it with your hands, right?!


Copying our carved faces

Craig's Cardinal turned out really well!!

Here's the back with the St Louis logo
Our chandelier of ghosts
The table
Lady Fingers with carmel for dipping our apples.  Elliot though it was hilarious to pretend he was really biting off people's fingers.  Craig and Olivier were super animated about it which lead to even more uncontrollable giggles

All lit up!


Craig's front

Craig's back

Men in Black

Do not mess with these guys!!
I just realized as I put these up there are none of Lucy!!!  She was napping when we were carving, but to be honest she probably would have wanted to eat the worms!!

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