Monday, August 2, 2010


Tonight was the first time that I put soap in Keenan's mouth. He has been saying things are stupid and we have told him not to and given him fair warning not to say it anymore, but tonight he said that cleaning up his toys was stupid so I thought that this might work. I made a big deal about it and explained that it was a bad word and his mouth was going to be washed out. We went and got a new little bar of soap and put it in for a bit. Just seeing his sweet face look up and me and his nose crinkle at the gross taste of it made me laugh just a tiny bit but enough to get Keenan laughing a LOT. He giggled and giggled until I figured that it was not having the impact that I hoped. So I took out the soap, he spit in the sink, then turned to me beaming said, "I wanna do it again."


  1. Hil-arious! I was laughing out guys have the funniest stories. That little Keenan is just non-stop comedy!

  2. hahaha, i laughed out loud too. my goodness, how is such a funny kid ever going to get disciplined? haha.
