Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So Happy Together

It is incredible watching these boys together and watching them grow as friends and play together. There really is no warmer feeling than coming around the corner to see them playing trains together or hearing them roar with giggles as they tackle each other in the back yard. Everyday Elliot makes sure that he gets to go along in the car to take Keenan to school and every afternoon he beams as soon as he wakes up from his nap asking to get Keenan. There are days when Craig has put Keenan in the jogging stroller and taken him to school that way and Elliot will tell me "I get Keenan!" about 10 minutes after they have left the house. They miss each other when one is missing and they get super happy to see each other when reunited. I love that they are friends and that they love being with one another. We are praying that this love would only increase as they get older and that they really really would grow up being each other's best friend, confidant, encouragement and a source of truth and strength. But for the moment we thoroughly rejoice in the giggles, the chasing, and the wrestling!

We dont have a bath tub in our house so our norm is hosing the boys down at the end of the day with our power sprayer in the shower but every now and then they get bubble baths in our giant plastic laundry tubs. This is one of those extra bubble equals extra fun times!

Gotta love the splashing!
Craig was mowing the lawn and the boys got so excited watching him and wanted to help with their outside toys as well
So sweet

Keenan climbs our mango tree all the time and Elliot just looks longingly at him. Hey, let me up too!!!
Im up!!!!
Keenan with his monkey face and Elliot clinging for dear life

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