Saturday, January 29, 2011

Its about time

Hello from a new country! Wow. If I could write life a letter I think it would go something like this:
Dear Life,
Please slow down. I need to catch my breath.
We are now in France in the freezing cold but still loving seeing the Lord move. We got here the 2nd of Jan, we had placement testing on the 3rd, then right away classes started full swing. Craig is doing really well and soaking it all in while I on the other hand have realized that time does not take away the hatred of the classroom. Hatred might be too strong of a word, but I really dislike being a student especially in a class where it seems like everyone else loves learning and gets French. I have realized the billion holes that I have in my grammar and in line with the French system and way of teaching have been laughed at in class by the teacher because I forgot something simple. Boo. Language is so stinkin hard and we are both at a place in our language learning that it is just enriching, making it more conversational and fluid AKA not sounding like a kindergarden text book. But it is so hard because I find myself sitting in class thinking of ways that I can avoid using the new things they are teaching by saying it differently because I dont understand them fully. So I continue to use a lot of hand gestures and sound like a kindergarden text book. I am not a good language learner or student for that matter. Yet, we press on! I want to know French really really badly I just struggle with the whole dedication and discipline thing that has to happen in order for me to learn. Oh, the cycle!! The Lord has definitely blessed us while being here a ton already though and we are constantly humbled by His kindness. We have connected with Craig's old language partner and his wife who have become dear friends. They have had us over to their house often and just stopped by our place to say hello or to see if we need anything. Their daughter has two sons and she gave three big bags of winter clothes and a huge garbage sack of diapers (the exact size that Elliot wears now I might add and we didnt say a thing about it beforehand!) They have been amazing and have treated us like family. The wife, Michelle, comes to Keenan's school a couple of times a week as well when he is getting out to walk home with us and chat on the way. They are so dear. And for the Keenan, the Lord has provided a sweet friend, Aidan, who lives across the hall from us. He is 4 and they love being together. And Elliot just goes with the flow. He enjoys going to the nursery and my favorite moment of the day is going to pick him up because at that time they are having snack and he is sitting in his high chair. The moment he sees me he starts laughing hysterically and dancing around in his seat. Love it!
The pictures here are from our beautiful Saturday. We got Keenan a bike a couple of weeks ago and he wants to ride it day and night. He could not figure out how to ride a bike for the life of him for the longest time and he would get on his friend's bikes here and just end up frustrated that he would not go anywhere but one day we were in a store and he hopped on a bike and just started riding it around and around the store. He was so proud of himself and the bike was big time on sale so, he is the proud owner of a blue and red bike!
See how proud?
Keenan and Aidan riding together
Aidan's sister Amelie who adores Elliot and Elliot might have a thing for her too :)
Michelle also gave Elliot this walker thingy which he roams around everywhere with.
We found this hat here!! How fun is it that there is a brand Elliot?! We also got him a couple shirts with his name on them!
Super smiles
Keenan goofing off on the tire swing

And Craig joined in with the kiddos on bike riding extravaganza. He looks awesome :)

So, there you have it! I realized there are no pictures of me this time. I was the one behind the camera. Maybe next time! Love to you all!!


  1. So Keenan just saw the picture at the top with him riding his bike and he said "oh how cute! I was riding that bike in my boots." He cracks me up!

  2. It was sooooo fun to see the pictures of the boys! Elliot has grown so much. I hurt for you, Bryn, in your language saga. Oh, that language would come automatically! I've enjoyed the last years ministering in English so very much. It occurred to me the day that soon I would have to do everything in French again and my heart sank. May God grant you the perserverance and discipline to keep on keepin' on. You guys are heroes! We love you and think of you often. Marcy D.

  3. Bryn, thanks for the awesome updates you send all of us! Love getting to read about all God is doing and life there. I know it takes time in the midst of busy days to write and post photos, so thanks so much! Always praying for you guys!

  4. So happy to know you are safe and happy. The boys are wonderful. We love you all and pray for you daily.
