Monday, April 5, 2010

Jesus is Wive!!!

Happy Easter!! In the spirit of all things new, I thought I would start blogging and hopefully I can stay on top of this a little better than going through our website. Which, let's be honest, I have no idea how to do that complicated madness. I leave that to Craig. So, here we go with my first ever post!!
Our Easter was great! We started off at my parents, Nan and Pops, on Saturday afternoon dying eggs which Keenan LOVED. After each pretty egg came out of the dye he said, "I wanna eat it!" He hunted for them in the morning, finally ate one, and then we were off to church in the morning. As we pulled into the parking lot Keenan shouted, "Friends!! I knew it!" The service was incredible and brought me to tears at times as I was reminded of the price my relationship with the Living God truly cost. After church we headed up to Craig's parents where we got to spend some great time with his family. It was so fun to have all the cousins together and it was complete craziness as we tried to take pictures of all 4 of them, Keenan 2 1/2, Piper 1, Caeden 15 weeks, and Elliot 4 weeks.

Looking intently to see if the egg is finished

I found it!!

Elliot says "peace"

Apparently Keenan did not want to share the spotlight with Piper!

Then he made up for it

How in the world do you get 4 very small children to look at the camera and at least look content at the same time?! It really was a crazy scene. 4 kiddos on the chair looking sort of confused at the 13 adults acting like insane people in front of them trying to get them to smile. At least the lady taking a walk in front of the house got a good laugh that day! Hope you all had a great Easter too!!